Why is my Brother printer printing all pages with a gray vertical band on the lefthand side of the paper? -
Image drum is failing, replace it. It s a DR-350 drum
Image drum is failing, replace it. It s a DR-350 drum
I use WINDEX, yes the window cleaner. It will not harm the printer and will dissolve the most times. Go to this website where you can buy a cleaning kit with instructions. While you re at it take a look at their CISS for your printer. http://www.inkproducts.com/ink-store/ The weeno website states to do 15-20 cleaning cycles. That will cost you lots of money for ink cartridges. Get a CISS for your printer. It will save you TONS of MONEY, never change a cartridge again and it will pay for itself in a month. http://www.inkproducts.com/ink-store/
Go to epson.com and fill out the support form and ask there. My Dell has troubleshooting instruction online but yours seem scanty. I don t think you have to disassemble the printer, either. Use patience, not too much alcohol, a Q-tip. http://www.ehow.com/how_2335342_clean-pr… When mine clogged up, I typed in: how to clean a printer cartridge into a search engine and came up with several places to find information. I read all of them and then had my husband do the work because he can handle fine things and knows how not to flood the computer with alcohol. This makes sense: http://www.weeno.com/art/0899/140.html He s talking about an Epson printer, too.
I assume you mean to take out the entire cartridge holder. If you replaced the ink, you already know how to take the cartridge out. Take a look at http://www.ccs-digital.com/cartridgeprob… for possible answers.
Cheaper the printer is to buy, more expensive it is to own. I like the two Canon Pixma MP printers I have (830 and 530), and the HP officejet J5780 I have is decent. Printer are designed to be replaceable, that is why they break so easily.
Here are the user s manuals for Lexmark printers. -MM
go to printer properties when printing a page change deafult as colour it will print in colour, if default is black it will print in blak and white only, if no colour in cartridge will also result only black and grey
When you cue a file or page to print and the print window come up. Look for the quot;preferencesquot; button and click on it. That should open another window and you should have a choice of quot;blackquot; or quot;colorquot;. Select quot;colorquot;. Leave it in this setting. If you print a memo, or a letter, it will print in quot;black amp; whitequot; automatically. Hope this helps.
all u have to do is put color ink
Not sure if these are what you re looking for, but you can take a looksee
one option is to get a laser printer, laser toner unlike inkjet ink is thermally fused to the page and will not smudge if it gets wet. If you don t want to splash out on a laser printer you could print the stuff on your inkjet and then take it to a newsagents or similar and photocopy it. Proper commercial photocopiers work much like laser printers and will produce ouput that will not smudge when wet.
Before printing, click on preview printing. From that point, go in properties and tell the printer to print as in document or, go the tab where you can increase the size from 100% to , let s say 120%. These are 2 ways of enlarging your print.
I don t understand why you are asking this here. Why do you not ask PayPal? This link tells you how to print postage labels for PayPal and/or eBay. You may be printing, hiding the postage amount. That would make the label smaller. http://pages.ebay.com/usps/shippingitems…
You do not say where you are IE America so I can t give a specific links but below is one place that came up when I Googled 30mil PVC cards for Epson R280 printer. http://www.alibaba.com/product/hk1044391… Edit - I found this link to eBay who have 100 cards for sale for $9.49 plus $5.99 shipping. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie…
No sarcasm here but we never managed it either so have a star for the question. Bought new black one from Canonin the end but i doubt if the printer will ever see another colour cartridge in its life at the price that Canon wants for the chipped ones! Be interesting to see the answeers to this question ...
if you have vista os use this link http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public/us/us/en/dlf/dlf/000000/002800/dlf002873.html?reg=usamp;c=usamp;lang=enamp;prod=dcp110c_usamp;type2=1amp;os=74amp;flang=8amp;dlid=dlf002873 to download the fulldriver software and then you put the picture in the scanner and scan to pc
Check this links once http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/BSC… http://www.hamrick.com/vsm.html http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc…
For XP open control panel and click on quot;scanner and camera wizardquot;. Follow the directions to associate your print /scanner with it, follow direction. For Vista, open quot;Windows photo galleryquot;, go to filegt; quot;import from scanner or camera. follow directions
download drivers from canon. http://www.usa.canon.com/opd/controller?…
Sure. Go to the CANON website and download the current drivers. However, if you shorted out the MB in the upgrade you might have pooched the system.
There are many options: For you laptop you will want to find a USB printer that the box says quot;Vista Compatiblequot;. Most stores you walk into today, will have a printer that quot;fitsquot; this need. Do you want inkjet or laser? Do you want one that can travel with you or one for home only? As for internet service on the go: 1. If you only need it say when you are at a hotel or other wi-fi hotspot and your laptop has Wireless Internet, then you will not need to purchase an ISP. 2. If you need a quot;anytime,anywherequot; (within reason of course), may I suggest checking with the Cellular phone companies in your area. Most of them now have Internet quot;connectquot; packages.
The best cell phone based Internet service comes from Verizon. If you have DSL from ATamp;T at home, you get free access to thousands of ATamp;T hotspots all over the country. If it is configured correctly most printers should work just find via a wireless network. The problem is with Vista not the printers. I d suggest you not use Vista, and use Windows XP instead. Most Fortune 500 companies won t use Vista and for good reason.
Buy from a dealer with a good return policy. I don t necessarily recommend ink refill kits due to varied results. They usually work, but not always that well.
actually, most new carts are never full. a) it s a profit thing but more often, b) it s a shipping issue. if those carts are shipped via air (in an airplane), the ink will expand. if the cart is full, BOOM! explody cartirdge. so, most often, manufacturers will not fill them anywhere near full. sorry :(
The ink cartridges that you purchased for a cheap price are probably after market cartridges, they are not Original EPSON. Usually when you purchase them, you should look for something that tells you how many ml’s of ink it has in it. If you buy aftermarket ink you might be getting ripped off, also the ink cartridges have chips on them that tell the printer what kind of cartridge it is, so you computer might be reading it as a generic cartridge and gives you a false reading. Also the ink levels are not 100% accurate because the print never knows exactly how much ink is in the cartridge, the printer calculates the amount of ink by how many pages are printed, not by the actual ink in the printer. Check the box that the cartridges came in, does it have the official Epson logo on it, or does it look generic?
Most ink cartridges that come with new printers are only half full. That s usually where the manufacturer makes there money, on the print cartridges not the printer themselves. That s why most printers are gift with purchase. Beware of a killer deal.
I ve had great success with ABC Inks out of NY. (refurbished ink supplies) They are low priced. I ve never gotten a bad one (knock on wood) and they really fill them up. Rarely, are the new ones you purchase, filled properly.
Type your model number in: http://welcome.hp.com/country/us/en/supp…
Dell sucks. It ripped off consumers with its bait and switch tactics. Check this blogsite for what happened in Taiwan. http://deceptivedell.blogspot.com
download the drivers for the printer at www.hp.com/support for your make and model of printer..cheers
if printer scanner is newer with usb port, just extend a cable to it, done, if theres no extra port, use a usb multi port, and software to run, http://www.alibaba.com/catalog/11042854/… if it older using parallel port , could try a printer switch as well, or if you have ethernet port, you could use this through networking, and if you both have wireless, may be able to link through that as well in networking, read other answers ..
If the PCs are networked, just run the add printer wizard and select network printer. It should automatically find it. Make sure you enabled file and print sharing on the PC with the printer in your network properties first.
First if your setup on a network you must go to that computer into printer/scanners and give it the share option. you do this by going to windows start button then right clicking on quot;the computer that has the device you want to share . then left click on the device you should see a mini pop-up window then right click on properties. You should now see a properties control panel. Right click on the tab that say sharing..... Turn sharing on follow it instructionts. Next go to your computer install the drivers for that same device then follow these steps. go to printers/fax control item and sharing in the windows control panel thru the start button via right click in the control panel option ... Then your almost there .... Then add a new printer , but one from the network option selection .. this should auto detect the device then help you step by step install the item via the network.
This will not be an easy task. Somebody mentioned using a USB cable. Well, normally those are limited to about 15 feet maximum, but if you get a range extender some of those will go to 150 feet or so. But you are dragging wires all through the house. Probably the easiest thing would be to set up a wireless network.
If the two PC are connected using a LAN connection, then add a printer normally just like you add any printer by choosing add new printer from Printers and Faxes and choose Network printer and choose the printer name then complete the wizard. But be sure that you made the printer shared or it won t work.
try creating a home network and share the printer
Some inkjet cartridges can be refilled, but will never meet manufacturers specs. The inks these companies use are formulated specifically for the ejectors in their print heads. Other issues such as permanence, color accuracy, dry time, water fastness, paper cockle and curl, and general image quality cannot be guaranteed with non-oem inks. Some manufacturers also put quot;smart chipsquot; on the cartridges that effectively track ink usage until empty. Refillers have no means of resetting them, so the printers think they are empty and won t run. If cost is the main concern, get a Kodak printer. Their original replacement ink costs about half of everybody elses.
there is no one size fits all answer. I tried refilling a brother laser to very poor results. Later I learned that Brother deliberately leaves a part off its toner cartridge to make it impossible to refill. I bought the $3 part and now my refills work. Inkjet companies take strong steps to prevent refilling. I would never refill an inkjet. Even though they can work, the savings is small and the risk is high. Read http://ccs-digital.com/refills.html You can find cheap compatible new cartridges at places like http://ccs-digital.com/ink.asp
Buy a kit, they come with directions. Pretty simple process. I have refilled both ink and laser printers successfully. Basically it is just a matter of injecting the ink/toner into the reservoir, and then sealing it back. Some cartridges require a hole to be drilled, most do not.
walgreens fills inkjet cartridges i dont think laser cartridges can be
Get a subscription to recharger magazine. It is the industry magazine for refilling and refurbishing cartridges.
a; see if the printer has a color cartridge. if yes, see if it has any ink in it if yes, print out a test page. if it is a Lexmark, they manufacture faulty machines
Forget HP software although it is very good. Get Corel or Adobe Photoshop. Import your pics there and they will print perfectly. or, go in printer preferences and select quot;Scale to Fitquot;. Make sure you are using letter size in your preferences. Or download GIMP, which is free software and print using that program. Your printer is set at default so it will print off any software. I recomment Photoshop or if you can t get it, then download GIMP Here is the link..... http://download.cnet.com/GIMP/3000-2192_…
HP technical support should be able to help you with this Contact HP Here is the HP site, You have several options. On line live chat, email or telephone tech support (Telephone support is not free unless it is still under warranty) 1-800-474-6836 I use and like their service It is a FREE 24/
Excellent work T-Bar!! http://download.cnet.com/GIMP/3000-2192_…
Here is the list of HP C7280 sites.....look through this .... go clear to the bottom. Maybe you ll find something here. CLICK ON THIS: http://www.ask.com/web?q=hp%20c7280amp;o=14… .
That problem is usually the result of the wrong printing language being sent to the printer that it does not support. Most often it is receiving Postscript data instead of PCL, or possibly some other form, and will print pages of jibberish just like you described (usually you will see something in the beginning of the first print line on the first page that tells what type of data it is sending, i.e. %PS, %PDF, etc.) There are several possiblities that it may be: 1. Your printer is not Postscript compatible and the wrong driver was installed and setup for Postscript instead of its native language/emulation (check the printer properties/setup to see if there is anything to select or un-select). 2. Most printers can handle, and will automatically detect, which language is being sent and switch accordingly. So A) your printer is not Postscript capable, or B) your printer is Postscript compatible but is not setup for automatic detection and may need to be reconfigured, or it may need to be manually set to Postscript emulation (since we don t know what model yours is, it s hard to give more details). 3. There are two different language drivers available for your printer and you need to install a different one. Knowing what model of printer you have and which driver you ve installed would be of help. Best of luck.
1. Does the printer test page print correctly or is it gibberish too? If the test page prints fine but a specific program does not print correctly. a. Try basic program like wordpad. If it prints fine then remove and re-install the program you are having issues with. b. If wordpad prints gibberish. Remove all drivers for your printer through add/remove programs. Download the most up to date XP drivers for your printer. Un-hook your printer from PC until the install program tells you to. Then plug in when instructed. If the quot;add new hardware wizardquot; comes up cancel out and continue with the install from your download. Now test. If none of this works try another printer cable.
this can be a number of things, but first do a self test if this is ok then it is not the printer. First remove all printer software and disconnect the printer. reinstall the software and when told connect the printer. If this still is not a cure try another port or cable. If there is still a fault it is the logic board on the printer and not worth repairing
It seems that the drivers for the printer are not installed correctly. If you do not have the printer software CD, go to Dell s web site and download the drivers you need. Before running the downloaded driver software, go into Add/Remove programs (via Control panel) and uninstall the printer software.
Have you checked your troubleshooting section in the printer s help section? Might be a solution. Could be the driver needs updating. Go into Device Manager to see if any indication driver is bad. Did you run a printer calibration to see what printer does?
I had 2 carts refilled at walgreens and they each printed 3-4 pages and then empty. I wont go back there.
This problem is because the cartridges are designed to be replaced when empty, rather than refilled. They have an on-board chip which would need to be reprogrammed to make it appear like new, with the printer software showing a full ink chamber. This reprogramming is easy for Epson printers, resetters being easily available. For other models it is not so easy. But it still works.
you have to tell the printer that you have replaced it so that it has registered it has new ink inside. The printer level will then be adjusted to full accordingly. Some printers like mine (Canon) recognize that when u change a cartridge, it asks you which one you have replaced and adjusts the ink level(s) accordingly
Your printer is remembering that cartridge as the one it just emptied. Many cartridges have an electronic signature which your printer remembers. There is no way to clear or fix this, simply keep printing ignoring the low ink warning.
reset the printer setings to say it is full their is really no sensor on a cartriage the pc just guesses about how long it will last do a calibration of the printer and select the full ink selection and calibrate it
sometimes it does that i used to have the same problem when i had that printer it should work you know but it doesn t hurt to get your printer checked
i have a lexmark printer too, and it always says the ink is low even when a new one is in. its really irritating, but mine does still print
You probably havent enterd on your computer that you refilled you ink. Try opening your printer and clousing it. Your computer should ask you if you replaced your ink of not.
make sure you have them plugged into their right slots. and that they are attached. do a test run first. if it doesnt work take them back. walgreens should give you a new set with no problems :)
It could be that your black ink cartridge is empty, or that the cartridged got damaged, or you didn t put it in correctly.
reseded the ink caridige, some time cartridge nosel are blocked, then clean with paper towel and try again.
turn off the printer and turn it on again and see if it sess that it is filled again
Take it back to walgreens.
your printer is wierd
u put it in wrong
you want to always refill while the printer is printing well. This requires running frequent print head cleanings and not allowing the cartridge to run empty. Under the label of the cartridge you will see a series of holes. That is where you injet the ink, for the color cartridge you should be able to see the color in the compartment. For the black it really does not matter. Inkjet the required amount of ink in each hole. Use a refill kit designed for your cartridge to ensure optimal results.
under the sticker there is a little dot you need to buy the ink and pour it into the dot.
good luck!! its very fiddly and you end up with multicoloured fingers - is it worth it i ask myself no came the reply!
You d probably need the driver. You could try a work-around by direct-connecting the printer to the XP computer. The XP computer may then automatically find the printer to print... but whether you can then disconnect the direct-connection and reattach the printer to the networked computer, I don t know (without trying this myself but we do not have any 98 machines). I would just go online and google the make/model of your printer and download a new driver -- you can find them for free. Check at the manufacturer s site. Good luck.
You could try auto install. On XP if you connect by wire you might be able to automatically get the drivers from the internet using the found new hardware wizard. I you do try this scelect get drivers automatically when the hardware wizard pops up.
Yes You can.
dude....dont f***** with that. your gonna mess up your computer and beat your own a***
have a look at the users manual on how to install new hardware, (memory) it will show you how to open the case, if you have not got a users manual then download it from HP s customers website, check out the web link below for your user manual. click on the link
Check on the bottom/ back for screws.
if you want them instantly then 25p each, if you are prepared to wait for them then about 6p a print, the more you have the less it costs per print, but you would need to print over a 100 to get them cheaper than that, i had some printed over the internet using boots, had 100 done, with pamp;p came to just over £11. took 2 days
It depends how many prints you want. Sometimes you see a low price and find it is for 100 prints so check the price in the stores. You might be better buying a small printer if you are taking a lot of pictures.
There is an advert on the t.v at the moment that says that photo printing is 4p per picture.
Try Walgreens. The process they use is 100% guaranteed and if it doesn t work they refund you. They do 2 pretests and 1 post test to ensure that it works. They first check the electrical circuit to make sure connections are ok, then they test the seal on the cartridge to make sure that it won t leak. After filling they then test to make sure it dispenses the ink correctly before being satisfied and giving it to the customer. The price is $10 for black and $15 for color last time i checked.
There is no such thing as a quot;genuine HP cartridge fillerquot; HP no NOT authorise refills and if they leak, bye bye warranty.
go through the installation wizard...installation may fail. on the last page with the quot;finishquot; button, ensure the quot;do not try to install this in the futurequot; box is ticked.
That depends on your printer and how much ink you use per page,,how many copies ..etc..using cheap paper and putting you printer in quot;draftquot; mode can save some money..but not much. 10 cents is about average per page.
I would also check places like fedex-kinko, staples or other copy centers. The volume that you need will make a big difference.
Go to HP s website and search your printer s model number. They have the software online! Try the link below. http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/softw…
Here,you can download and install HP Office jet 6310 all in one . http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/softw… IF you any further detail so you can visit.. http://www.iyogibusiness.com
You can surf through the internet- there are many free software installation available in here. Or you can go to your manufacturer s site. You ll surely find that software in there. :)
You could try an automatic driver update utility. It may locate a driver that will actually work. I had a similar problem where I was downloading a driver that was supposed to be correct but it would not function. I found and tried Driver Detective at http://www.pcdriverupdate.com and it found the driver I needed and set it up for me. In a few minutes I was done. Try the free scan on that site and see what it finds. Hope it helps you. Peace!
Ther should be an updated version on HP s site with the correct drivers.
http://www.hp.com and click help. They have a live chat tech that can help you.
Real estate agents, nobody prints more than a real estate agent.
When you go to print it should bring up your printer driver just use the landscape layout.
cheapest is the new line of kodak printers
You might want to look for a printer that you could refill the cartridges. There is places like Walgreen s and other office supply stores that offer cartridges refills. Ink is never cheap, so the only thing that you can do to save money is finding cheaper ways to get it to your printer (like using refill rather than buying new cartridges. At least you will save the money for the new cartridge itself). I have 4 printers, all picture quality and all fairly good brands. The reason i have 4 is that when the first ran out of ink, when i went to buy more i noticed that there is always specials on printers, and that it would cost me just about the same to buy a new printer (which comes with new cartridges already) than to refill the old one. And that happened all the time so i kept buying new ones. That s another way to go, maybe even sell the old printer like on eBay or somewhere else and make some money for your new one.
Definitely HP. I have a HP 1410 All In One and it has the cheapest ink cartridges Ive seen compared to lemark and others. The black cartridge costs about 14 dollars and the color one costs about 16. But I get my ink from Sams you can get two black and one color for 40 dollars. Definitely HP.
I just went shopping with a friend today and she bought a new printer. It was a HP. The printer cost $79.99 and the black ink is $14.00 and color is $18.00. She bought it at Best Buy. It s a really nice and simple printer.
Yes, Most of the comercial companies have them,Pitney Bowes, Cannon, IBM, are amoung those that make a printer that will do what you are asking. The only drawback is that these are very large floor models and can t be used with a personal computer.
THat would be nice but no you have to fold them or get an MBO ($5,000,000)
Well kind of, for printing both sides of a paper you need a Canon Duplex printer or a duplex printer, and unfortunately we still have to manually put the paper in the envelope, but don t stop there if you come up with a way to do this, you will be rich, hope this helps and good luck.
yes..it is sold at the same store that sells the washer that also drys folds and puts the clothes away lol
i wish there was lol
any new printer. youd just have to format it correctly using quot;ctrl + pquot; all your printing settings will be done there. but if you want something that actually puts the card in an envelope for you, let me know when you find it.... ha
go to HP.com/support and enter your printer s model number in the search window. At that site you will only see downloads for your printer. download and save the drivers and software offered and bur to a cd. Yo are done.
Considering that you can buy a brand new laser printer for $50 and it can print a few thousand pages, it is less than you will spend on the same amount of ink for an inkjet printer. I only use my inkjet for photos. I use the laser for text and shipping labels.
If you go into the Maintenance menu on the printer itself and tell it to print a test page, does it print in color? If so, then you want to take a look at the Printer Properties in Windows (from the Print dialog, click the Properties button) and see if it s set to print in Color or in Bamp;W. If not, then you need to check if you have any color left; this printer may not always tell you when it s empty, and also will attempt to print even when it is empty. If you haven t printed in a long time, the print heads could even be blocked. The best recourse for that is to simply change the cartridge.
It is most likely that the take up rollers are worn. This will cause the paper to jam - they may need replacing. wdw
Buy a can of compressed air. Blow it in to clear out any dust. Make sure you set your paper in correctly (straight, crooked and the papers will jam).
If you re trying to clean like dust and stuff out... Get one of those compressed air cans from walmart for like $10. You can find them in the computer section... they work great..
You are going to have to give us a little more information.
Yes it can, as long as the printer has proper Mac supported drivers, I did this on a few 3310 models, even on an Epson.
are both machines on the internet? If so, you could Hamachi VPN software and connect to the printer that way, you will still need to install the drivers for the printer on the mac.
Hey! You could try offering it for sale to people you know. Like a neighbor or relative. The other alternative would be Craig s List or Ebay. You should be able to sell it on either of those sites fast. Good luck! ~Peter
You can try to sell it on the secondary market or online. http://www.toboc.com/forum3/default.aspx… http://www.toboc.com/forum3/default.aspx…
You can use file and print sharing that Microsoft offers. First you need to set you printer to work online and also to share mode. You do that by right clicking it then properties. As for your mac, you should be able to do a Internet search on file and print sharing to a windows box. It s going to take some tweaking to get it to work. Just remember how you got it so that when it gets messed up you can fix it again. Good luck, Eryk V. Edit: On my network I use a few Linux boxes. To get them all to print, I use a cheep print server. By default, the Linux boxes can use the print server and all I need to do is install the drivers. It s a lot easier to do it this way. A really cheep print server is from airlink. They have a multi-function print server (print, scan, fax) that go s for under $30.00. Like I said before, it takes a little tweaking to get to work, but once it does, it works great.
USB Printer Share Switch. Get one at Amazon.com.
you might need to google a cleaning kit. that happened to my canon, somehow old paint got clogged on a pipe. I hate canon s for that
try a different cartridge
set for envelope
Go here - http://downloads.lexmark.com/perl/downlo… and get the driver right from Lexmark. Your disc could be bad.
There are not many printers available which accepts multiple eve lops to be kept in one tray/slot. Most of the envelop printers accept one envelop at a time only. Find out if your printer accepts multiple envelops or not. If it accepts the format the page exactly same as envelop size and add one address in one page. Os else use sticker labels. One A4 page may contain 2 to 64 equal pieces. From the address book ask to make labels. It would be options to prepare labels. Then take prints. Peel off and paste stickers on each envelops. This is the most popular process of address printing.
This is a printer problem. I wish I knew of a printer that would do it. You can print sheets of address labels and paste them on the envelopes.
Most multifunction devices use ink-jet printers for the printing components. If the ink you buy is in a cartridge that slides into a carriage that is attached to a bar, and this unit slides back and forth over the paper, you ve got an inkjet printer. Yours, for sure, is an inkjet printer. I ascertained this info by going to lexmark.com then clicking on quot;technical supportquot; then clicking on the model, and found enough references to ink-jet that I am sure the Lexmark x125 uses an ink-jet to print and should take quot;ink-jetquot; papers of most types including iron on.
Read the manual which comes with the printer. Regards, KaviPriyan http://www.tamilmasala.net http://www.indianbabycare.com
Inkjet printer.
The user s guide states you should use paper suitable for inkjet printers. Consequently I would say it is an ink jet printer.
if the cartridges are little and filled with liquid it s an ink jet.
read the manual...?
Then you do as long as you dont have those Frilly things on the side like the extra curly stuff make shure its nice and flat and it will Work i tried it !
It would HAVE to be a professional, screen printing type place. Kinkos etc all use CMYK printers, same as at home, but laser based and NO white ink or toner
probably Kinkos? or maybe office max?
In Word 2003, go to Filegt;Page Setup In Multiple Pages, select Book Fold which would create two pages per sheet. Click OK. FOr best effect, in Page Setup, choose Paper, Select A4, click OK.
Well, laser printers don t use ink. They use toner. The smart @ss answer is, you pay $0 on ink. To really see the cost saving is to compare the price per page (P/P). For a laser printer you re looking about 2-5 cents P/P. An ink jet printer, your looking about 10-15 cents. It depends on your printing jobs. If you print tons of pictures, an inkjet will produce higher quality prints. Since they can create about up to 2500 dpi. Toner can generate about 600dpi. If you use a printer few and far between or your mainly printing documents or don t care about quality as much go for a laser. Toner doesn t dry up as inkjets do. If you don t print every few weeks on an inkjet, the printer heads will dry up. The toner is a dry powder, the most it ll do is it might settle if U don t use it for extended periods, but a gentle shake should take care of it.
the easiest way to print wirelessly from laptop to printer is to have a wifi connection available in your home and then have a wi-fi enabled printer. when you hit print the laptop sniffs out the wifi printer and prints accordingly. the lexmark x4690 is less than a $100, installs in a few minutes and can also print good looking 4x6 photos- all wirelessly and all very easily. cartridges are about $20 hp printers are harder to install because their wifi connection is unreliable (doesn t find the connection all the time) and the set-up itself is very difficult. also hp bundles a lot of unecessary software that it downloads automatically (cartridges are about $35) if you have an exisiting printer that is not wifi enabled there are work arounds like a usb dongle and software you can buy to quot;trickquot; the printer to work wirelessly but it s more trouble than it s worth g luck
I tend to think you have a wireless intenet connection. If your wireless router or whatever you use is by the printer and the printer is right, you can connect the printer to the router via an ethernet cable. Connecting it will send the printer availability to your laptop, and it should recognize it as a connected printer. Some printers (like mine) don t have an ethernet port, though. If this is the case, it can t be done unless you get a new printer.
The CORRECT answer is to make sure both your laptop and the desktop computer that has the printer connected to it are in the same workgroup. You can check this by right clicking My Computer and going to properties. If they differ, just make them the same. Then, open up Printers on your desktop computer, right click the printer in question, and select Sharing. Give it a nice short share name. You can then select Print from your laptop and browse your home network to that printer. You can only plug the printer in to your wireless router with an ethernet cable if the printer is network ready, and I really doubt this is the case. Buying a wireless network printer is usually cheaper than buying one with an ethernet port. If yours were wireless already, you wouldn t be asking this question : -)
Many answers. I think maybe you have already got that. good luck http://www.toboc.com/forum3/default.aspx…
im not sure exactly how but i know you dont have to install anything or buy anything you just have to like enter some code or something to set it up
Isabel, You need Winzip to decompress the files. Just google Winzip, and download the program. This will allow you to open your printer files. Hope this helps. Good luck!
Download the file you need from here. You should be able to run it without any problems. http://www.usa.canon.com/consumer/contro…
Have you tried downloading the driver off the Canon web site. I work in IT and have never had a problem downloading printer drivers off the internet.
Xerox is awesome. The Phaser line is one of the best out that I ve seen and supports PS3, base model starting at 450. I would stay away from Konicas and Cannon. At work we use HPs and the 4700 model is pretty nice too. What ever you pick you want to look at the cost per click. Cost of ink divided by number of prints yielded. One note, the Phasers I used a few years back printed on the dark side out of the box. Not a big deal, but you do have to adjust for it.
I would recommend just getting a new one. I got an HP one at Wal-mart and it works really well. Just shop around in stores and online, with the economy the way it is, you can surely find a great deal.
It probably just needs a good clean there may well be a bit of crud stuck down amongst the rollers
A USB cable. USB cables are very inexpensive, ranging from $4-$10 bucks depending on the length of the cable. It has really easy set up to, just look at your printer instructions. Good luck!
yes it is - just print the first side of the page then flip it over and print the other side of the page. In printing terms it is called Work and Turn.
Yes: Print one side, flip it over, then print the other side.