Printing Services

Saturday, July 25, 2009

I need a good printer for windows vista and good internet service? -

The printer I have I can t use on my wireless laptop.I also need a good Internet service for when I travel.

There are many options: For you laptop you will want to find a USB printer that the box says quot;Vista Compatiblequot;. Most stores you walk into today, will have a printer that quot;fitsquot; this need. Do you want inkjet or laser? Do you want one that can travel with you or one for home only? As for internet service on the go: 1. If you only need it say when you are at a hotel or other wi-fi hotspot and your laptop has Wireless Internet, then you will not need to purchase an ISP. 2. If you need a quot;anytime,anywherequot; (within reason of course), may I suggest checking with the Cellular phone companies in your area. Most of them now have Internet quot;connectquot; packages.

The best cell phone based Internet service comes from Verizon. If you have DSL from ATamp;T at home, you get free access to thousands of ATamp;T hotspots all over the country. If it is configured correctly most printers should work just find via a wireless network. The problem is with Vista not the printers. I d suggest you not use Vista, and use Windows XP instead. Most Fortune 500 companies won t use Vista and for good reason.


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