I shouldn t even be asking this, but anyways. I have an hp printer (brand new) that cost me around $60, really cheap, I know. But, somehow after three months or so it stopped working correctly, it paper jammed frequently and the last time I used it, it wouldn t print at all. I really don t mind throwing it away, I think it was kind of cheap. Would there be any way to repair it? Any basic home solutions for this? Any recommendations? I just can t stand having garbage in home, but if it can be repaired without effort, well I don t mind fixing it.
Contact HP Here is the HP site, You have several options. On line live chat, email or telephone tech support (Telephone support is not free unless it is still under warranty) I use and like their service It is a FREE 24/7 Telephone number 1-800-474-6836
What model number do you have?? It s key to answering the question, with out knowing what printer you have, I have to guess, you should try to use a little armor all, on a paper towel, spray it on the paper towel and clean the rollers with it. Sometimes when their is a temp. change the rollers get dry and that s when the problems start. If you have your heater on an no other sources of humidity this will cause the dry of the rollers.
Often printer jamming is caused by a poor grip on the paper by the rubber rollers. Roughening them up with a fine sandpaper usually works; just don t overdo it and remove excessive rubber.