How do I change my printers ink drying time? -
i had always thought dry time had more to do with the actual makeup of the ink than anything else, and had not been aware there was an option to change it... sorry :( you might call canon and ask their technicians?
Not 100 percent sure about this one. Checking the following may resolve the issue: *Is the printer setup correctly (See User guide for information) User guide link:… * Was the printer still completing a job when you attempted to adjust these settings ? (Is the slider still greyed out when machine printing). * Do the pages being printed contain a lot of ink ? * Does the printer have the latest firmware installed (Check manufacturers website for updates) Note: You really shouldn t have a problem changing these settings.If the problem still occurs i recommend uninstalling and reinstalling the software. If you do change the dry time, you will need to remove each page from the output to avoid sticking as the ink will still be wet when the next page exits (This is because adjust the dry time actually adjusts the pause in between printing. not the drying time of the ink). I hope this has helped ;)
I would suspect it is based on two factors. The type of paper selected and the density (pixal resolution) selected. I have had that type of problem when printing. It normally was caused by wanting a dense print, high quality, large size output. It was using the time to compose the information to the printer through the spooler, had nothing to do with drying time. Between prints, watch your hard drive and see of there is a lot of activity with nothing else running, and if the ready light on the printer is blinking.
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