When I try to scan a photo from my printer to my pc I get an error message. What do I need to do to fix the pr -
It may work; try posting the actual error.
go to the printer and do it again
Could be an issue with the light or the scanner on the device, could also be (more likely) an issue with the driver software. HP s all-in-one devices have given me LOTS of troubel in the past. If this is an quot;officeJetquot; type of printer. then your best bet is to uninstall the entire software package that came with it. The newest software can be downloaded form their website (try this link, and select your model: http://h20180.www2.hp.com/apps/Lookup?h_… Then when you re-install choose JUSt the option for the scanner (not the printer, and if applicable the fax). then after install (and another reboot) see if it works. If this doesn t help then post again and this time tell us what the error message says.
worse comes to worse, take a picture of the picture and transport it to your computer.
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