Printing Services

Thursday, October 27, 2016

When do you think we will invent a laptop with a built in printer? -

In many occasions I find myself wanting to print stuff that I have been working on my laptop. But I always have to go find a printer before I can continue my work. It would be very convinient if the printer was built into my laptop so I would just have to provide the paper and I would get what I want. Remember, the laptop would have to be a standard size, like the ones we use today. By when (year) do you think we could invent this?

Already been invented. It was invented and then didn t sell and died. I remember reading about it years ago.

maybe you should make a run for it and have it patent......could make you a millionaire!!!

Well if it had a printer on it, it wouldn t be much of LAPtop then would it? It would be more like a portable computer. And yes, there is a difference, you don t want a portable computer on your lap.

Canon made one a few years ago... but it didn t take the market by storm and it died as an idea. As far as I remember it was in the fast-486 days, so it isn t up to moderm software.

the laptop would be highly portable and lightweight ? Why don t you suggest this to HP 1-800-HPINVENTS

we already have one but its about 2-3in bigger than the average laptop but probably in a year they will haveit average size

Interesting idea. THIS IDEA IS NOW OFFICIALLY COPYRIGHT BY ME. haha suck i will make millions! bahahahaha actually they kind of do already, except they aren t attached to the laptop WHICH IS A GOOD THING! They are these mini printers which are about the length of a piece of paper and about as wide and deep as a laptop computer. They are tiny!

there is really no point, it would be a peice of ****, and when it breaks u would have to open the whole laptop up.


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