Printing Services

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Is it possible to refill an ink caltridge with another types of ink? -

what i mean is can we refill an ink caltridge of the hp 3920 such as the colored or the number 22 with another tpye of ink or number of innk? can we use the number 23 instead?

Its possible, but not recommended.

While it is possible to refill it with another kind of ink, you can not use a different cartridge unless HP says it will take it.

The cartridges are generally set to the model of printer. So you can not put cartridges for one model into printers of another model. If you are talking about physically injecting ink and the ink kit said it was for the #23 cart then this would not be an issue - providing it has the correct number of colours. Are you looking at a different cartridge because it is cheaper but looks similar? If this is the case check the compatibility chart on the cartridge. Sometimes companies such as HP create part filled cartridges for their printer models. What this means is that you will pay less for the cartridge, but this is a false economy as you will be getting half as much ink if not less for a slight reduction.

i is possible but definitely not advisable . Have tried it and found the Printer goes for a SIX...Wiser to go for a Good catridge which doesnot spoil your printer....Penny Wise Pound foolish..


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