Printing Services

Monday, September 16, 2013

Do you have a Dell printer that seems to use an awful amount of ink? -

I have a Dell 948 printer. I don t use the printer a lot, but it seems to go through ink cartridges quickly. Also, most of my printing uses only black, but on the print screen, the little cartridge level thing shows an equal amount of color used as black. Is this typical or is there something I don t know?

If you feel your printer is using too much ink, here are a few tips you can try and things to remember. Temperature and humidity will effect ink use. Keep the temperature and humidity lower. The higher quality you choose to print with, the more ink it will use. Try using Draft (if possible) and standard for more important papers. The heavier the paper, the more ink it will use. Photo papers use more ink because of their thickness (weight, ml.). Opt for the lightest weight paper you can get by with. Obviously, if you are printing photos, you want to use photo paper But there are different weights in the photo paper. Leave your printer on. Whenever you turn it off and then back on, you will hear all the noise. This is actually recharging the ink cartridges and that uses ink.

if your printer is near a heat duck or window it will use ink .for some reason I have found out if you will move it away from the window you want use as mush.


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