Printing Services

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Whats the difference between these printers? -

What s the difference between a LaserJet, a DeskJet, and an InkJet? Thanks.

Desk jets are ink jets and use a liquid ink to for the image on the page. This ink is either forced out of the print head by head or electricity. Laser jets use a powder called toner to put the page on the page. This powders is transferred to a drum unit by static electricity. The drum is then rolled over the page creating the image. the page is then run through a fuser which melts the image onto the page.

A LaserJet printer is an HP laser printer, the deskjet IS an inkjet printer. TechWeb has more info: LaserJet:… DeskJet:…

Laser jets use toner, similar to a copy machine and are generally black and white, unless you shell out some big bucks. DeskJet is a brand name from Hewlett Packard and is the same as an Inkjet. Inkjets use individual small ink cartridges and Laserjets use large toner type cartridges.

The basic difference between these printers is the technology it uses to print on a paper. So the quality of the print also differs where Laser jet will give the best quality while ink jet will yield less quality. But the difference is narrowing down....for text. while image printouts will differ.


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