Printing Services

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Can I set 2 different printers to be the default printer for 2 different Excel Files? -

I have 2 different printers I use many times a day. I have one file I use for one printer and another file to print on the 2nd. Can I set these files to automatically print to the printer of my choice without having to change the Printer every time I go to print one of the files?

Maybe he said right. But if I were you, I will ask the manufacturer……

Lets say you have the 2 printers named; prt1 and prt2. Assume that prt1 is the default printer. Following is the Macro code. Paste it in a separate module in the VBA Editor (Alt + F11) and save it. Make sure that you type the actual names of the printers and not prt1 and prt2 Sub PrintToAnotherPrinter() Dim STDprinter As String STDprinter = Application.ActivePrinter Application.ActivePrinter = quot;prt2quot; change printer ActiveSheet.PrintOut prints the active sheet Application.ActivePrinter = STDprinter change back to standard printer prn1 End Sub run the macro when you want to print from non-default printer. STDprinter is a variable that stores the current default printer or quot;prt1quot;. The printer is changed (prt2), prints are taken and when the prints are finished the macros again sets the active printer as the previous (prt1) printer as default. All you need to do is decide which printer is default printer and which file will be printed on default printer. This should take care of your problem!


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