How can I get cyan printer ink off my hands quickly? -
I get mine off using a nail brush and soap. You can also use diluted bleach but make sure it s diluted. Bleach makes your hands stick to high heaven but works - or at least gets off the top layer. The nail brush is best and safest but you have to do it a few time. I also find that a soak in the bath gets a lot of ink off. I have had hands like a Smurf many times and it will come off within the next two days for you.
Depends on the ink. Meths or turps may do it but be sure to wash your hands thoroughly and preferably moisturise them afterwards. Alternatively since you have a couple of days just leave it. The skin on your hands is continually and fairly rapidly replaced. I would have thought that after two days the vast bulk of it will be gone without you needing to do anything.
warm water and soap. soak you hands in warm soapy water for 5 minutes, then wash. Ink is water soluble- there is no need for harsh cleaners.
I am sure that within the next couple of days, normal washing will have worn it away.
Try nail polish remover.
system restore
Okk! I get mine off using a nail brush and soap. You can also use diluted bleach but make certain it's diluted. Bleach makes your hands attach to high heaven but works.
Good luck...
Unknown, At
May 26, 2010 at 11:21 PM
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