Printing Services

Thursday, August 15, 2019

How do I change the size of the type on my HP F4140 printer? -

When I type on my PC the letter size is nornal, but when it prints out it is too small. Can someone tell me how to fix this problem?

There is no direct way to change the print size by changing any settings on the HP F4140 All-in-one printer itself. You need to change the font and/or font size in the word processor that you are using. For example, in Microsoft Wordpad, there are a couple of boxes in the upper left corner. The first one displays the Font (often Ariel or Times Roman) and the next one displays the font size (usually 10 or 12 points). To make the printing in the document larger, change the font size to some larger number (perhaps 14 or 16). Then print the document. Most word processors have a similar setup. If necessary, use your programs Help function to look for Font and learn how to change the Font and Size.


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