How long does color ink last in your printer before it goes b/w? -
There is no set time for ink to last. Your printer uses ink every time you turn it on even if you do not print. Printers use ink to keep the printer running. See the links below.…… See page 11 of this one. Edit If your printer is printing in black instead of colour check that you have not set it to print either greyscales or to use the black cartridge only. Go into prefrences on the printer s menu and then maintance. See if there is a setting for the ink cartridge in there. If there is, unclick it if it says black ink only or greyscales. Other than that I have no idea unless you need to run a cleaning cycle as your printer heads could be blocked and so the colour ink can t come out. Your maintaince menu should have settings to do the cleaning cycle and your manual should explain it better. I have an HP printer but mine is not set up as I have my Canon one installed so I can t be more specifice as I need to go in to the menu to find the right links for you to press.
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