What should I do with empty ink cartridges? -
You can take them to stores such as Office Depot or Office Max and they can recycle for you. Sometimes, they even give you some sort of discount for bringing them in or a free ream of paper. All part of promoting recycling. Some organizations collect the cartridges and sell the part for money and then donate the money to certain causes. Do a search in your local area. Or donate to a church, which then take them to other businesses who give them free paper and office supplies.
Wal-marts and various other stores have plastic bags that are self sealing and free postage. Just put your empty cartridges in the bag and drop them in the mail. Don t cost a thing.
Turn them in at Office Max for money when you buy new cartridges
Take them to office max
It s easy to refill your own cartridges and you save TONS of money that way. If you don t do that, recycle them, they re bad for the environment.
you can either sell it or have it refilled :P
refill it
Turn them in to a Office supply store so that you can get some money, but more importantly the cartridges will be recycled and that will be best for the Earth
send to RecycleCartridge.org , you ll save our landfills
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