Printing Services

Monday, May 23, 2016

How do you get your printer to keep printing when one of the ink cartridges is out of ink? -

1 of the 6 cartridges is out of ink, and now nothing will print. Is there a way to still get black print when the color carts are gone?

It totally depends on the model of your printer. Some are manufactured to have all cartridges to have ink in order to function.

What I do is if the cartridge for printing in color is out then I change the font color to black (which is the font color automatically unless you set it to something else) and then print the document in black. Or if the black ink is out then change the the font color to something other than black like a dark blue or a dark green (something that looks like black if you really really need black) or any other color if you like and so that the color cartridge is used instead.

Select the print option. Go to advanced tab and choose print in grey scale/black only. Also, deselect the box marked to print optimized.

NO!!! there is NO WAY TO KEEP PRINTING WHEN ONE OF THE INK CARTIDGES IS OUT.Unless you want to just print in the other color ink...................


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