Printing Services

Saturday, October 13, 2018

What kind of printer do I need to get for my laptop? -

It s a Windows Vista. Also where should I buy it from and what kind of price am I looking at?

Any NEW printer well work with vista. There are many different types of printers. Inkjet vs Laser. Inkjet is cheaper, but Laser does better quality but costs more. Really its a matter if you want to get one of these multifunction printers that can scan and copy. They are bigger and well cost more (then just a printer) but most people feel they are worth it now days (no need to go to a copy place). Other things to consider is a wireless printer. Meaning you print to it wirelessly, that you can put the printer pretty much anywhere in the house. Most Laptops have Wireless built in.

Any printer, any where, could be any price. My answer is as ambiguous as your question.


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