Printing Services

Friday, October 12, 2018

How do I convince my inkject printer that it is out of ink? -

I cannot override it Epson 700. It keeps saying to wait until the cartridge is empty. If I put in a full one, it still says the same thing and WON t go. Yes, I have turned it off, unplugged it, coaxed and yelled at it.

Sounds like you need a new Printer.. Try Hewlett Packard All in one psc. 1500 series. they are great.. :) E

offer some epensive chocolates? Seriously- call tech support.

Don t ever buy ink. That is where printer manufacturers make their money... from selling you ink cartridges. By the cheapest ink jet printer you can find that comes with the first round of ink cartridges and when it runs out, throw it away and repeat.

try uninstalling it and then reinstalling it

you gotta talk to it. In a good and nice way and with manners. Tell HER something like: I love you and we have had so many good times together. Remember when we used to hag out with the mousepad and the keyboard, Oh! and what about the 2nd anniversary party we gave to our Monitor friend, oh! my girl, please, just print me these pages!!

Download the SSC utility from here it will allow you to re-set and override any of the Epson settings. Also the utility has a superior head cleaning facility

try this.... are getting sleepy.... very sleepy.... when you awaken you will be out of ink and will want a new cartridge....


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