I have a Dell All-In-One 924 Printer. It displays a error message: quot;Clear paper jam. Press gt; (Start) botton to continue.quot; The problem is that there are no papers jammed in the printer and pressing the gt; (Start) botton changed nothing. The error message is still there. What should I do?
Best thing to do is take the toner out, sometimes the paper can be stuck under there, also although you can not see the paper jam look very closely where the ink goes and see if its there. After that unplug the power from the back on the printer (do not just turn the printer off, you have to take the power cord out) after its out for about 60 secs, plug the printer back in and see if the paper jam has been cleared. -Reggie http://www.diycomputertips.com
Double check for a jam if there is none than re-start your printer and it should work
get a shop vac, plug hose in the exhaust hole, and blow it out. you have a chunk of paper/debris in the paper path somewhere. often there is a panel on the backside of the printer that will give access to the rollers. blow from here too. remove the ink cartridge as well during this process.
If you sure that no paper jam in printer, you can turn the printer off and then on. If still not working, restart your computer and reinstall printer driver
You have to probably get the cartridge out and then you will see that there is really a paper jammed there. Follow the messages on the printer and get the paper out. I have done this two times. You have to remove the cartridge first.
Check if there is a sensor and clean that otherwise there may be a small (very small) piece of paper stuck, you ll have to try and find it. Good Luck!!!
If you are sure that there is no paper jam, then just restart the printer and it should work
Go through the process as if there is a jam and make sure the sensor does not have any dust,paper on it. then when finished make sure all parts are properly secured and that should do it. If not turn the machine off as this resets then try it.
Unplug the printer from the power, wait a minute or two, then plug the printer back in and see if that helps.
Unplug it and then plug it back up
turn your printer on and off and back on or push ok or all the other buttons to see if that works take the paper out of the tray and turn it on an off it my just be crooked paper
i dont know but it sounds like you took that straigt out of the movie office space... if you ve never watched office space i suggest you do...