Printing Services

Monday, December 15, 2014

How can I get my printer to print right-side up? -

I am trying to print wedding invitations onto vellum paper. There are two holes at the top of the paper which seems to be making the printer eat the paper but it is only because the paper has to be fed upside down. Is there any way I can get it to print right-side up?

what software are you using? One way is to put your text into Word and then copy the words into a graphics program, then rotate the text 180 degrees, then insert this graphic back into word.

You cannot print quot;upside downquot; on any printer, even printers that have a duplexing capability quot;flipquot; the paper over to the same printing side.If your invitations your e trying to print are on quot;card stock, make sure you set the printer settings to Card Stock, it will adjust for the paper thickness.

Hang your printer on the ceiling.

Probably not. You should read the manual.


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