Printing Services

Friday, June 26, 2009

What brand of printers is best to buy? -

I am planning to get a new printer, I would like to have a printer that can scan,print, photocopy, and even fax. But I am not sure which brand to buy and is it good to have a versatile multifunction machines for homes...So,what s your suggestion?

buy one that lasts the longest, is the cheapest and easiest, gives the best quality, for the least amount of money i have a multi-function printer with scanner, printer, copier, amp; fax too and loved it for over 3 years. Brother 5440-CN. $100. i buy ink refill kits. cost me $40 for 3 years. 10 point please :)

Consumer Reports lists several Canon printers at or near the top of its listing of quot;All-inOnesquot;: Pixma MP800, MP950, and MP450, in that order. The 800 is somewhat better than the 450, and cheaper than the 950, but all are rated Excellent in total quality. Others near the top of the list are the Epson Stylus Photo RX700 (not just for photos) and CX7800, both Very Good, and the HP Photosmart 3210 and 2575, both Excellent. If you want the best bang for the buck, the Canon MP450 is listed at $150, one of CU s three quot;Quick Picksquot;. (It may not fax as such, but you can easily get faxing software that will do the job through your computer.)

you must take HP brand printer. it is easy to use amp; low maintainers. i already using it

HP makes decent all in one printers. One caution, though, is that all in one devices tend to not be as good at the individual functions as a standalone device would be. But they are usually a cheap solution to get everything in one package. For printing in particular, if you don t print a lot, whatever you get, make sure the printer is laser technoloty, because otherwise, you will spend a fortune on ink carts that dry up before you use them up.

anything that isnt a lexmark.

I have used H-P printers for years, with good results.

This is a bit like asking what is the best car? - best is highly dependent on your particular needs and preferences. Since you say you want scan/print/copy/fax functions, my answer is that you need three machines, a printer, a scanner and a fax/copy machine. But thats just me - I don t like all-in-one machines. I ve heard of too many people having problems with them. Besides the fact that I don t want to lose the use of my printer if my fax machine breaks, and vice versa. I m a big believer in single function peripherals, even if they do take up more desk real estate. For printers, though, I prefer HP. I think they have the best photo quality of all the low cost printers, although Cannon is very good, too. But Cannon is also a lot more expensive, I would not really consider them to be a low cost printer.

I have the HP all-in-one and it prints, scans, copys and faxes it great!!!


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