Printing Services

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

How do I make a Lexmark printer take a refill cartridge? -

The printer takes two cartridges, one photo and one normal. It is the normal cartridge that is the refill. The refill cartridge is currently in the printer but whenever I try to print anything it always tries to use the photo cartidge which is empty. I cannot make it use the normal refill cartdidge. I can t find any settings to allow me to swap between the two cartridges.

Most likely, you can t. Refill cartridges are a touchy subject. A lot of computers won t accept them. For some reason, they think the cartridge is still empty.

Try this site, they have a lot of info regarding refilling and resting cartridges. On the HP 7760 you have to selotape over 2 contacts to fool the printer. I got the info from here, you may find away to solve your problem.

Speak softly to it then turn it over and rub its belly in a clockwise motion. Whisper sweet nothings in its ear. THEN GET IT IN A HEADLOCK AND SAY YOU TAKE THIS SHamp;% RIGHT NOW OR I WILL BEAT YOU. it should take it then. Its the whole shock value thing.

be real nice to it and some times it takes a little KY

Some ink jet cartages have a little chip on the side that needs resetting to tel the printer that a new full cartage has been fitted. This is to make refilling your own cartages harder. If so you can buy a device that reset the cartage, cost £5-£10. Personalty I got fed up with the rip off prices of ink cartages and got a cheap Laser printer about a year ago. Black amp; white Laser under £40 including Toner cartage. color Laser printer are now under £100. (on-line prices, in shops they are still very expensive). The toner is very economical ( over a year of use and still on my original cartridge) and refilling is ever so easy. Just pour out any dead toner powder and pour in new. Prints are faster and better quality.


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