Printing Services

Saturday, July 28, 2012

How do I keep my ink cartdridge from drying up? -

I hardly ever use my printer but when I need to the ink has dried up. What can I do?

You can t really avoid this problem since printers were designed to be used frequently. What you could do, which I have done, is to put some rubbing alcohol on cotton balls and rub it on the area of the cartridge which shoots out the ink. Change the cotton balls for every cartridge.

Wow, Use it periodically even when you don`t need to. Keep it full also. -S

well, you have to understand the printer companies make a lot of money selling ink. they are not going to make it so the ink wont dry up. i use my printer a lot, and i still have to clean the print heads way too often. i really dont think you can get away from dry ink. use it as often as you can, just to use it and keep the ink from drying.


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