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Saturday, February 11, 2012

What is the difference between HP 45 78 ink and HP 45 78 D ink? -

I was looking on ebay for some ink and some people had it listed as 45 78 and others had it listed as 45 78d. I was wondering what the difference was. The listings for the 45 78d cost a lot more and I can not find anything that tells me the difference? Please Help.

the 78D is actually the old coding for a low volume cartirdge. The old version 9up until a few months ago used to be 6578d and the high volume was 6578a Recently HP has changed all of their high volume/low volume codings to regular and XL. To make a long story short an 78 is a 78d a 78XL is a 78A. the difference is that a 78 and 78d both have 19ml of ink in them. a 78a and 78XL have 39 ml of ink in them.

78 is sold seperatly 78D is the same thing sold at a slight discount because its packed with 45 and they need to denote that its NOT the following two items. (… 78XL(… ) or 78+ (… ) All 78 s should fit in your machine, the + and the XL just have differnt ink quality.


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