Printing Services

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

How do I connect my laptop to my printer? -

Okay, i have an Dell Inspiron 1525 laptop, and a Dell AIO Printer A920. I have tried installing the CD for the printer and also adding the printer to my laptop, and they haven t work. It also now says that the documents are pending, but it s been like that for a while. Thanks in advance :)

you can do it go to control panel gt; printers, right click the printer and click properties, go to the sharing tab, i believe it is, and enable sharing on the laptop go to add new printer, when it asks if it s local or remote select remote or networked printer, it ll search the network for shared printers, it ll say like deskjet 5550 on or whatever, select that and it ll either download the driver from that computer automatically or you may have to download the driver or install it from the cd you have. Thats it from me Former Computer Technician Email me if you have questions

Have you tried uninstalling the printer, then restarting computer, plug in printer and turn computer on, then let windows try to install the printer, then try printing again. If this dosen t work then go to the DEll web site and download the printer drivers off the web site.

How do you connect the Laptop and Printer? make sure the cable you use to connect is secure. you can also uninstall the driver for the printer and restart the system then reinstall the driver to see if it solves.

Get the the cable of your printer to connect the your labtop =p idk try the instruction manuel?

try uninstalling, then restarting computer, plug in printer and turn computer on, then let windows try to install, then try printing again.

use USB


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