How do I hook up an old printer to a new computer? -
Here is a link to some usb to parallel adapters…
With an old cable. lol You can buy an adapter, but I d put the money toward a new printer. The cost has come way down, and the capability of printers has gone way up. Best of luck.
use converter
You can get those conversion at any vendor store that supples computer stuff. Just asks them or search online.
You would need to buy an adapter that can be hooked up on one end to the printer and the other end that will work with your new computer. Try Circuit City, tell them your problem and they should beable to find it for you. If an adapter doesn t exist it might be time to buy another computer.
yes you need a new adapter, but honestly your better off buying a new one. second do you have the CD disk so you can upload the software for the printer in your new computer, because you will need this to print...if you buy a new printer a CD comes with the printer
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