Printing Services

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

How do you print an A4 booklet with staples in the middle using a PDF document? -

I need to print of loads of past papers from the aqa site and i don t want to waste loads of paper can i have some help plz

Their is an option in Adobe to create A4 documents and numbered accordingly. You indicate double-sided printing ande adobe will ouptud a PDF with what you indicated. The place where you print will look at your pdf and will see how many pages you have and divide by 2. That way, they can tell the printer to print so many pages and they will flip the paper, and print the other side and everything will match.

save it to a flash drive, CD, and take it to your local office supply store, they can print it for you, and staple it all for you. no need to waste any paper. they can print it for just a few dollars.


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